Journey to Beloved Community: 6 Practices for Belonging and Becoming

Whether you are a seasoned advocate for justice, a beginner and/or curious learner who is discerning your next faithful step, these actions will catalyze a heartset, mindset and skill set that allows you to better build bridges, heal divisions and participate in holy reconciliation.

The work and ministry of building an inclusive, diverse, equitable, beloved community that promotes antiracism isn’t separate from our discipleship but integral. It isn’t a partisan issue, but a Gospel mandate. We are not introducing new commitments. We are offering a strategic, just, relevant, intentional and adaptive framework for reclaiming who God has created us to be.

Dismantling racism or other systems of oppression can often be overwhelming and eternal. Yet, it is wholly necessary and essential. Therefore, this course seeks to replace overwhelm with inspiration and provide information and intentional practices that are doable.

2/2/2023 7:00 PM - 3/23/2023 9:00 PM
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Fathima Rifkey